Market research is an important part of our marketing projects as an integrated element as well as a separate service.
We address the following issues
- Deep understanding of the brand, within the competitive environment, its specific strengths and weaknesses, brand core studies
- Exploration of specific aspects of the brand determine potential and possible development paths for the future
- Deep understanding of consumers and their behavior, attitudes and motivational structures, determining typologies and segmentation
- Need identification and the corresponding hierarchy
- Exploration and validation of concepts, designs and communication (phase-specific, from idea generation to the final execution)
- Detailed (semiotic) analysis of individual communication elements: i.e. sound or specific visual elements (logo, design, visuals), their individual perception, meaning and effect on the brand and the consumers
For all these issues, we provide qualitative market research, from design, implementation, analysis and interpretation to recommendations. We combine different investigation and projection techniques. For us, the interdisciplinary approach of analytical psychology and strategic marketing perspective is especially productive. This allows for optimal results: deep understanding of consumers, their attitudes, behavior, and motivational structures as well as the derived marketing specific solutions.
Our qualitative methods include:
- Focus groups
- Individual interviews: one-on-one, telephone
- Online research
- Mobile research
- Direct consumer experience
- Observation
- (Creative) consumer workshops
- Expert interviews and workshops
In addition, we design and organize quantitative market research.